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Free Download Nero Multimedia Suite 10 and Platinum HD ( Full Version)

Nero Multimedia Suite 10 - made a multimedia package of 3 to 1 for video editing, burning and backup. A single strong set of Nero Multimedia Suite 10, which consists of three products - Nero Vision Xtra, Nero Burning ROM, Nero BackItUp & Burn - gives the user maximum multimedia capabilities. There exist advanced video editing, multimedia player, an excellent software for burning CDs, reliable method of backup and special multimedia equipment to enhance music and video files and photos.

Key features:
Professional use effects "Picture in Picture". Bring out your home videos on other levels, using up to four unique effects, picture in picture "to supplement their records cinematic touch.
Easy access to their content. Transformation and transfer photos, music and videos between mobile devices (iPod ®, iPhone ®, Android ™ and other phones).
Create groups of photos and video slide shows and high-definition movies. Easily organize and edit photos and video clips on the storyboard and use different themes in the style of the movie. Editing video using multiple tracks and complete processing of key personnel
Use when editing the range of audio and video tracks. Apply effects, picture in picture, animation, video and audio, as well as the overlapping effects; dynamically adjust the value by specifying the properties of key personnel.
Completely controlled, efficient backup decently simple steps. Choose your own way of backup: backup auto-copy Autobackup one click, incremental, differential, complete or up modernization, after back up selected files or entire systems to back.
Prompt and correct burn the disc. Use of the method of dragging the burning of a CD-, DVD-and Blu-ray-drives, hard drives, to save in network and USB-devices and write large files on multiple discs. SecurDisc technology ensures the readability of data and provides features such as password protection, encrypt and others
Edit and enhance photos with one click. Easily edit photos, get excellent quality, to improve their projects a slide show and video. Record slide shows and movies on CDs or put in a social network
Add a menu to their projects a slide show and projects to record discs DVD, AVCHD or Blu-ray. Allowable to use the advanced mode of creation, that allows you to open a project in Nero Vision and write any necessary changes.

Included applications:
Nero Vision Xtra contains:
Blu-ray Disc Playback Plug-in
Move it Plug-in
DTS Plug-in
Gracenote Plug-in
mp3PRO Plug-in
Nero Vision Xtra ™
Nero MediaHub - organizer of music, photos and video, media player and a tool for creating slide shows
Nero Vision - advanced features for creating and editing videos
Nero ControlCenter - Product Management Nero and serial numbers, including update

Nero Burning ROM contains:
Nero Burning ROM - Burning CDs
Nero BurnRights - easy deployment of user rights to burn
Nero ControlCenter - Product Management Nero and serial numbers, including update
Nero BackItUp & Burn contains:
Nero BackItUp - easy backup, restore and synchronize data
Nero Express - an easy-to-use wizard for burning and copying CDs
Nero RescueAgent - extended file recovery
Nero BurnRights - easy deployment of user rights to burn
Nero ControlCenter - Product Management Nero and serial numbers, including update

Nero tools for multimedia:
Nero StartSmart - problem-oriented management center, which is designed for burning, video editing and backup
Gadget Nero DiscCopy - copying CDs on the Windows ® desktop
Nero WaveEditor - editing music files
Nero SoundTrax - digitizing music from vinyl records and cassette tapes
Nero CoverDesigner - Creating covers and labels discs
Nero Recode - convert and compress DVD-video and video
Nero ToolKit - improving PC performance

May be Useful


  1. part 8 sudah di hapus Om??? saya tidak bisa Ekstrak tanpa part 8, di upload lagi dong..
    atau Om punya download alternatif untuk part 8.
    thanks om

  2. itu sudah ada Link download yg baru bro...

  3. Thank, banget Om....
    Semoga bermanfaat bagi user lain.
    sekali lagi Thanks

  4. sama-sama bro...
    maaf atas kekurangannya...


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