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Free Download WAR! Showdown RTS [FULL] APK

Free Download WAR! Showdown RTS [FULL] APK - Face off against the enemy in thrilling head-to-head battles! Capture factories, bunkers, mortars, and much more to increase your resource supply and strengthen your defenses. Capture your enemy's base to win, but make sure you are also defending your own base! 93 campaign levels across fields, deserts, frozen tundra, and rocky terrain in 4 campaigns, plus an infinite number of randomly generated maps in skirmish mode!

Fast paced RTS gameplay without complicated resource management or cumbersome controls. Units will advance and attack on their own or you can take control and direct them

Infantry units, helicopters, tanks and more. Each has unique weapons or abilities such as the sniper who an attack long range and the grenadier who can toss grenades over walls. Use the right units to win!

Factories, power plants, and even forgotten treasure chests supply you with resources. Turrets and mortars will attack the enemy. Capture satellite dishes to improve your local units attack ability and more!

Upgrade factories to increase resource production. Upgrade turrets to increase their firepower. Upgrade satellite dishes to increase their effect range. Etc.


Will you aggressively capture factories to supply your troops or invest in the factories you have to increase their production? Wage a war with squads of infantry, send a squadron of attack choppers, or play a defensive battle holding your ground and build up your supply chain?

Pursue the enemy across fields, deserts, frozen tundra, and rocky terrain. Once you beat all four campaigns there are still randomly generated levels awaiting in skirmish mode.

Set the game to be as easy or as difficult as you want. Try to beat every level on the extra hard difficulty if you dare!

See every unit, smoke trail, tracer, and explosion in full resolution on every device. Supports full HD on devices with HD displays.

At any time you can speed up or slow down time to play at your own pace. Allow yourself more time to prepare your strategy or speed up your opponent's demise!

Two skirmish modes provide an infinite number of randomly generated maps and allows you to choose what map size you want to play.

What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 27, 2014)
  • Fixed bug with not being able to drag view on Nexus 7
  • 2 new levels
  • Additional hints
  • Fixed bug with hero units having a slow fire rate
  • Misc. bug fixes
  • Performance improvements (especially on older devices)
  • Misc. Tweaks
Required Android O/S : 2.3+

Screenshots :
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot
WAR! Showdown RTS - screenshot

Download : 41Mb APK
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