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Free Download Clouds & Sheep Premium APK [FULL]

Free Download Clouds & Sheep Premium APK [FULL] - They're cute, they're fluffy and they love to play!
Care for a flock of adorable little sheep. Feed them, play with them, hook up pairs to create offspring and become the best shepherd of all time!

  • Innovative casual gameplay
  • Interact with adorable sheep
  • Manipulate clouds and weather
  • More than 20 bonus items, toys and gadgets
  • 58 dynamic challenges
  • Colourful settings
  • Open-ended gameplay
  • Heart-meltingly cute graphics
  • Take screenshots and share them with your friends
  • Parental lock to disable in-app purchases
Clouds & Sheep is a charming sandbox game featuring, well, clouds and sheep. Excessively cute sheep. The laid-back pace, mellow gameplay and adorable graphics make Clouds & Sheep an ideal game for casual gamers, as well as more serious gamers who want to take a break from the wanton slaughter and crushing challenges of more hardcore game titles.

If you keep the woollen fluff balls well-fed, healthy and entertained, they'll reward you with Happy Points and make lots of little baby sheep. If you neglect them, the bleating ingrates may glower at you or even have the nerve to die off! Luckily, you can spend your Happy Points on lots of different items that make your life easier.

A good shepherd cares for his sheep, especially when they're as cute as this particular flock. There is one problem, though: adorable as they may be, they’re not very smart. If there's a poisonous mushroom, they'll eat it. When the sun is shining, they'll just stand there until they have a heatstroke - and when the weather turns bad, they'll happily stand in the rain until they catch a cold.

So in addition to providing for their basic needs like food and water, you'll also have to save them from their own stupidity. It’s not all work, though, there is also plenty of play! The walking balls of wool love it when you play and interact with them and that’s fun and rewarding in its own right.
What's in this version: (Updated : Mar 28, 2014)
  • Fixed crash at startup (related with your Google avatar)
  • Fixed sounds get muted accidentally
  • Added x86 support
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

Download : 23Mb APK

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