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Download Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2[FULL]

Download Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2[FULL] - HDR Darkroom 3 Pro gives you control over more than 30 parameters, so you can fine tune and control your final results. Many levels of adjustments are available on features such as Curve adjustment, color balance, color temperature and tint adjustment, lens correction, highlight/shadow adjustment, black/white point adjustment, and noise reduction.

Fully Realized Color Space Management
HDR Darkroom 2 Pro is the first HDR software with comprehensive color space management. Our HDR Darkroom 2 Pro developers have created color space management tools with a short learning curve, but without compromising on professional level capability.

Visual Effects
Stretch your creativity further with a huge palette of effects that were designed with input from experienced graphic designers and photographers.

Sophisticated HDR Technology:
HDR Darkroom 2 Pro includes a range of advanced HDR technologies, including Alignment technology, Ghost Reduction technology, Noise Reduction, and Local/Global Tone Mapping technology to help you easily produce spectacular images at the fastest speeds available today. Click here to learn more about our sophisticated HDR technologies.

User-friendly Interface:
By working with professional photographers to understand their workflow, we designed HDR Darkroom 2 Pro specifically for ease of use, but without compromising on control.

Cutting-edge Local/Global Tone Mapping Technology:
Using our Local / Global Tone Mapping Technology, you will produce the most spectacular photo-realistic results in seconds. We offer three types of tone mapping technology to suit your needs.

Alignment Technology
Our powerful Alignment technology corrects problems with misalignment when your camera moves slightly between the bracketed frames.

Ghost Reduction Technology
If an object moves through the scene while you are taking multiple shots, our Ghost Reduction Technology corrects the problem of "ghosting" when the images are combined.

Real Time Processing
Nearly all of the processing controls in HDR Darkroom 2 Pro are real time, making HDR Darkroom 2 Pro the fastest HDR processing software on the market with real time processing as a standard feature. Don't spend your time sitting in front of a computer. Get back out there and take more great photos!

Powerful Batch Processing
Our HDR Darkroom 2 Pro Batch Processing Engine automatically handles multiple sets of photos according to your unique preferences. Let us do the work for you and harness the power of batch processing to save you countless hours of manual adjustments.

Camera RAW File Converter
HDR Darkroom 2 Pro supports RAW files of more than 150 camera models, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus and Panasonic, as well as Adobe (DNG), etc. New formats will be included in future releases once they become available.

Export to Social Media
We've made it easy for you to share your amazing HDR images on all the popular social media and photo sharing websites like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. With a single click you can upload your photos for all of your friends and family to see, or put yourself out there and share your work with an even bigger audience.

Download 24.97 MB + 27.1 MB :

 Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2 (32bit)
Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2 (64bit)

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