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Free Download KitKat 4.4 Launcher Theme APK

Free Download KitKat 4.4 Launcher Theme APK - Ultimate KitKat 4.4 Experience Launcher Theme is a brand new multi-launcher theme designed for all Android launchers, inspired by forthcoming Android 4.4 OS and the latest Nexus 5 leaks!

Get the latest Android OS look with the most realistic Android 4.4 Theme on Google Play, featuring fully custom-designed icons, wallpaper, dock bars, folders, and much more!

Featuring FULL graphics support on Nova Launcher, Smart Launcher, Apex Launcher, TSF Shell, Next Launcher 3D, GO Launcher EX, ADW Launcher, ADWLauncher EX, Holo Launcher, SS Launcher, Atom Launcher, and many more!

  • KitKat Experience App Helper - Easy-to-use interface to automatically apply theme on your favorite launcher, with info and help for optional Android launchers, includes KitKat Experience wallpaper manager, automatically send any missing icon requests, view all included dock bars, icons, icon names, and much more!
  • KitKat Experience Icon Pack(s) - Over 525+ Android 4.4 Kit-Kat inspired icons, completely custom-designed icons inspired by latest Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 releases! Feel free to use built-in icon requester included in app or e-mail any requests you may have.
  • KitKat Experience Dock Bar Icons - Bonus icons include white or dark icons specifically for home screen dock bars, allowing you to customize this theme exactly to your tastes!
  • Ultimate Android KitKat Wallpaper Manager - Perfect wallpaper management system with no fragmentation, smart wallpaper selector adds only the best wallpaper sizes to perfectly match your device. 20 different designs to choose from, designed in multiple sizes (over 180 wallpapers in all), to perfectly fit the highest resolution tablets to the lowest resolution phones with full HD graphics.
  • Cloud-based wallpaper picker allows you to directly apply or download wallpaper designs to your device, giving you more space and freedom to use 3rd party wallpaper software (such as Gallery to selectively crop or even add live wallpaper effects).
  • KitKat Experience Clock Widget - Know when to have a break with the custom-designed Holo KitKat style clock widget, included in the theme and readily available in your widget pack.
  • KitKat Experience Dock Bar Pack - 40 different delicious KitKat style dock bars to choose from in a variety of styles and additional color options.
  • FULL KitKat Experience Launcher Graphics - Includes FULL supporting launcher graphics, such as folder backgrounds, menus, launcher icons, action bars, memory gauges, media systems, and much more, specially designed for each individual launcher!
  • This is a theme (like a skin), you must apply it using built-in app, or you can apply it using your preferred supporting homescreen / launcher app settings (see support website for full instructions).
  • This theme fully supports Apex Launcher, GO Launcher EX / HD, Nova Launcher, ADWLauncher EX / ADW.Launcher, Next Launcher 3D, Action Launcher Pro, TSF Shell*, Atom Launcher*, Holo Launcher HD*, Smart Launcher* GSLTHEME, SS Launcher, and more!
  • You must manually apply theme on these launchers, full instructions in app and on support website.
To change wallpaper:
  • Press Menu > Wallpaper > Scroll to KitKat Experience Wallpaper > Select wallpapers > Apply
To add KitKat Experience Clock Widget:
  • Press Menu > Widgets > Scroll to KitKat Experience Clock > Select and resize using your launcher
What's in this version : (Updated : Feb 17, 2014)
  • New wallpaper added, new icon requests added, launcher graphics updated.
  • FULL GO Launcher version updated, available here:
  • New Ultimate Multi-Launcher UI updates, featuring advanced icon search, app loading, and more!
  • Full support added for Atom Launcher, Solo Launcher, Next 3D Scene Mode and more!
Required Android O/S : 2.3+

Screenshots :

Download : 43Mb APK

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