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Dwonload The Tribez & Castlez [Mod Money] APK+OBB

Dwonload The Tribez & Castlez [Mod Money] APK+OBB - Magic rules here: monster dragons hover in the sky, and forests are full of treacherous monster werewolves. Our old friends, Professor and Aurora, will help Prince Eric rebuild his kingdom and protect it from the evil plans of various villains!

Visit well-guarded dungeons and towers of powerful mages, behold the ancient walls of the abandoned castles, look for mysterious artifacts and wage war on the hideous monsters. Meet loyal friends and fight cunning enemies, see the mighty giants, magic, dragons, and of course... a beautiful princess!

Key Features:
- Protect your kingdom from vicious Gobools, powerful Trollums and other amazing creatures
- Uncover the endless secrets of the magic world in deep dungeons, high towers, abandoned wastelands - this world will amaze you with its diversity
- Help locals in the most remote corners of Prince Eric's great country
- Rebuild the kingdom: construct Sawmills and Manufactories, cultivate grapes and eggplants, breed pigs and sheep
- Develop your country: build fortified towers and mages towers to protect your subjects, create statues and fountains to boost your influence
- Collect and Conquer: hundreds of rare magic items will add to your treasury and help you enlist the legendary heroes
- Invite your friends to become your allies: with their help you will reach the prosperity of your kingdom quicker
- Enjoy the magic beauty and enchanting sounds of the Middle Ages

Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 101Mb APK'

May Be usefull



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